Are you getting the most out of your basil plants?
Products used: Hydroponic Mason Jar Garden Kit
Harvest when you need them, pinch flowers or cut stems to promote more growth, preserve the leaves by freezing, drying, making something with them (like a salad dressing or herb salt or butter)...These are some of the ways you can promote growth and save what you have. But here's another thing, why not root them in water?
The most important thing is using your herbs as they grow. Like most plants, the more you use them, the more they will produce for you, and thus the more they will grow.
So what happens if you just plant a seed and leave it? Typically what happens is they grow, then produce flowers, if it gets too hot it will bolt, or go to seed before it's ready, and the plant will taste bitter. Unwanted plants are not happy plants.
If you want to have EVEN MORE greenery and basil growing in your living space stick your cuttings in water. They will start growing roots in a couple of weeks and then you’ll have more plants to place into new garden kits, or containers, to tend to and eat from. Don’t let them go to waste! Let them multiply. :)
Give this a try and let me know how it works for you!
Need a reminder on the best way to harvest them? Watch below: