Mason Jar Garden Kits with Jars + Mint Are Here! 🌿
I will have to get into the history of how Coco and Seed started in of these posts because this may or may not be a surprise for you! But good news, we now have mason jar garden kits in stock!
First up are the soil kits! These will come in two sizes, a 16 oz and a 32 oz. Technically yes, the 32 oz is twice as big, but it won't cost twice as much! My goal is to make indoor gardening fun, a learning experience, aesthetically pleasing, and useful! It should continue to provide for you.
I know you reading this takes a lot of pride in your plants. Sometimes the best part of the day is waking up and checking on them, or even coming home after a long day and seeing them. Watering, pruning, and when it's time, harvesting!
But gardening should also be carefree. Enter: Mint. Mint can take a bit of time to get started, as the seeds are incredibly small, but when they get established they take off. You'll have more mint than you may even know what to do with. Once it gets to that point, why not make some cuttings?
If you're not familiar with how to do this, then stayed tuned for more posts. To check out these Mason Jar Garden Kits, click here! They come in sets and you can mix and match which one suits you best.
1 comment
My mint is growing nicely. Looking for to harvesting and enjoying some mint tea!